Friday, February 28, 2014

Stimulate your Sassy Side with Salsa Lessons

Salsa dancing is sexy, spicy, and sensual. Want to move to those quick, fun Latin beats in a Salsa club? Looking for something to spice up your relationship? Do you have an inner flirt that is dying to be released? Dance FX Studios in the East Phoenix Valley can give you the dance steps and social dance skills that you need to thoroughly enjoy yourself while out Salsa dancing. Our studio is located in Mesa just off of Price Freeway on Dobson and Guadalupe, very close to Tempe, Chandler, and Scottsdale!

Aside from the chance to connect in an intimate and seductive way with others on the dance floor, Salsa dancing opens you up to explore your sassier self, helping with self-expression and giving you a freedom that cannot be felt from most other hobbies. Now is your chance to join the fun! Here are a few things that you will learn in private Latin dance lessons at Dance FX Studios in Mesa, AZ:

1. Partner connection: Salsa dancing is generally fast paced. In order to move  as one with your special someone, let us help you to understand the principles of partner connection. With faster dances, being connected on the dance floor is key. In our private lesson introductory offer, you will be given an exercise to assist you in understanding how to move in synch with anyone on the dance floor.

2. Small steps: As with all Latin dances, small steps are essential for several reasons. One reason has to do with getting your hips moving. The only way to get those hips  moving the “right” way is by keeping your feet underneath your torso by taking very small steps. More information in your Latin dance lessons at Dance FX Studios will help you to understand the importance of tiny footwork.

3. Lead and Follow: In order to be a great Salsa dancer, knowing how to lead or follow is of primary importance. Rather than memorizing steps from a video or in a group class setting, get the basics of lead and follow first. Then your will have a solid foundation that you can use to build off of.

Whether you are single and ready to find a new dance partner or you and your partner want to learn together, we are the place for you. Our studio has over 12 years of experience equipping students with the skills and knowledge to enjoy themselves out dancing while staying safe on crowded floors. Our Introductory Offer is just $40; in this Introductory Lesson you will learn some dance basics, how to connect with your partner, and how to navigate a busy floor. Each of our instructors will discuss your goals and visions for yourself and your dancing and customize a lesson plan for you, ensuring that you will learn quickly and efficiently. This first lesson will give you a window into our unique concept, one that can make a dancer out of everyone-even YOU, and get you hooked on Salsa dancing!

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